Saturday, September 27, 2008

Judy Garland in Concert...

I fulfilled one of my dreams today! It felt so amazing! I have always wanted to have the opportunity of being in the audience of one of Judy Garland's incredible performances but since she died in 1969 my dreams were crushed before I was born. The Utah Symphony organized a tribute to Judy and played along to her as she was projected singing on a scrim. They made it seem so real. They introduced her like she was there and she took a bow and acted as though she was in our presence. The ideas portrayed were incredible. Her life story was narrated and she sang her favorite songs. I was blown away. I learned so many new things about her that I hadn't ever known. Such as her real motives behind her work, the downsides and heartbreaks, her joys and passions and best of all the inspiration she projected. She was such an phenomenal entertainer I seriously could not believe her talent. I knew that she had a one-of-a-kind voice but she was so much more than that. I was blown away by her personality and individual way of thinking and in turn she has affected my thought process.

“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else”

This totally discribes her personality. She did't conform to what anyone else thought and she was content about that decision. Her will power was ridiculously strong and her independece was beyond compare. I really admire her for that. Anyone who can survive in this world with that frame of mind should be recognized. Sometimes I feel like there is so much compeition in everything that people no longer have the integrity that they need to uphold to be a healthy human being. Idividuality is what makes us likeable. Not to sound harsh but, what is there to like in anyone who is exactly like the person sitting next to them? I am glad I am me and if there is anyone who wants to know it.... I am E to the llie and I love being me!


Friday, September 26, 2008

My Favorite Things...

The Greatest Feelings:
One of my favorite feelings in the world is when somebody knows something about you that you don't know that they know... does that make any sense? For example when somebody you look up to knows your name. Number one it makes you feel special that you are noticed as an individual, and number two they are actually talking to you! Or when someone passes you a note and they compliment you on something you have been striving to do but don't think anyone has noticed and they point it out. I think it is so admirable about a person when they can pick out those great attributes.
Another great feeling is when you feel kind of out of place somewhere and a friend goes out of their way to be with you. It really makes you feel worthwhile. Sometimes people are surprised when they find out that really deep down I am a shy girl. I love to talk but if I am in a situation where I feel out of place I loose all communication skills. I am really trying to work on that though : ) I really appreciate it when they just say one kind thing, whether it is just a hello or a compliment, it helps spark my social self.

I LOVE journal writing. Thoughout the day, when I have experiences I always say to myself "Ellie you have got to write this one down." I have two different journals. One is for my everyday thoughts and adventures and the other is used to describe the people around me. What I mean by that is, I describe all of the great attributes about my friend's, family members, neighbors, classmates, etc. I try to pick out their healthy habits and good morals and ethics. This is a healthy way for me to recognize their purpose on this earth. When I know who they are and what they are striving to be I can better comprehend their actions. I take into consideration that people act and react in different ways to experiences and that is what makes them an individual. Sometimes I even try to apply some of their great attributes into my life.

Another type of journal that I have is what I call my "Reminiscent Box." It is where I keep all of my physical memories... science fair awards, pictures, articles, and notes. In the last three years of school I can't say I have thrown away one note that I have recieved from someone. Even if it is something small, I appreciate and love it. It uplifts me and it helps to remember experiences in a fun way.
Looking back on memories is so refreshing. When I have had a frustrating day I like to sit down and read and learn about how much I have grown and the fun times I have had. Journals are one thing that will always bring me up!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Off to the fair...

Last Saturday I had an enjoyable time spent with my family at the State Fair. We had not gone for a few years and felt that it was about time to catch up on the latest pigs, goats, canned food products, artwork and of course Peter's favorite... the rides. I got to see many exciting and interesting things on the topic of artwork including a BUTTER SCULPTURE! It was huge!!! and it was of variety of farm animals!

We also got to view the best grown flowers in Utah. They were SO beautiful. There were some Dahlia's with blooms bigger than my hand. It was incredible.

Next we went to visit all of the cute animals... and some not so cute. I really liked the cows because they have the most beautiful colors of fur, and the goats were fun to look at as well, but the sheep... well we will just say that they aren't very photogenic... just see for yourself.


Yes... that is a sheep not some crazy deformed child-eating animal from the forest.

After we saw all of the animals we went to the rides. Peter HAD to ride one called the "Zipper," because previous to coming to the fair he designed a rollercoaster with the same name! After we went to another ride similar to the "Rocket" at Lagoon but about half the size. Hee hee I could handle this one though.

I had so much fun with my brothers! They are always making me laugh. I am so glad that I have pictures so that I can look back at the fun times we have had together while we are all still living under the same roof!