Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Greenhouse...

Earlier today I was working hard for mother at the greenhouse when I realized none of my friends (except 2) have witnessed the beauty that it holds. Some days it can be blazing hot and once in a while you may see a large and colorful spider and you ALWAYS get dirty but it is so incredible. In the winter you can walk inside and it is so refreshing and humid. The plants smell amazing just like wet soil and it is so greeeeeeeen and colorful. I take pleasure in the opportunity I get to spend there... Enjoy the pictures!


Derek said...

Wow! That is really cool, it sounds like an awesome place, I've always liked the dirt, oh and the plants as well! :)

Andres Bosque said...

I see Peter! Tell him I said hi, and Jack too. Jacks got some serious entrepreneurial skills with his coke machines and everything. Where is the greenhouse located?

Ellie.Wellie said...

Yeah........ The dirt is LOVELY! Ha ha thanks Derek!

Ellie.Wellie said...

Jack and Peter would love to hear from you Andrew! Ha ha! The greenhouse is like a mile or to south of my house at my mom's business partner's house. It is just in the back and they have a lot of land so it doesn't really stand out or bother anyone because it is closed in :) Come and vist soon!