Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back from Camp!...

My week at camp was great. I was one of the oldest girls so I got to be a couselor which was so fun. I had four other girls in my group Kayla, Whitney, Shali, and Renae. I got to know these sweethearts so well last week. They are all so unique but there is one thing they have in common they are all so so kind.

I stuck with my fabulous childhood friend Brittan basically the whole entire camp. We had so much fun together. We had a lot of laughs. Because the theme was Western the camp leaders gave us some cowboy hats. Brittan and I pulled down the rims and wore our blue bandanas around the bottom half of our faces to make it look like we were bandits. Then we wore our sunnies and ran around camp. We thought we were in disguise but people could pick us out.... oh well ha ha.

I had a lot of other awesome experiences at camp that I wrote about in my journal that will never be forgotten. Even though I felt so deprived without a shower I made so many new friends so it was totally worth it.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Ellie! That is awesome! I love girls camp, you can always feel the spirit, and it is always a lovely experience!