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Friday, February 6, 2009
The Circus?... The Blue Man Group?... or a Smurf?...
What do you think? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Why is it that the world's funniest jokes are all about snails?...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Bye Bye Betty...

Picture from: http://www.azcarsandtrucks.com/classicmbenhead2.jpg
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Perfect Day...

Next we stopped at presh Konisi's house to say hi. He was a tease the whole time but Alyssa and I both agreed that he was a very agreeable and humorous young man to be around.
We then made our way to "Denny's," a perfect diner setting, where we ate dinner together and then feasted on a strawberry milkshake for desert. We thought this to be fitting as we spent our day fixed in the 50's. Then we went to pick up a perfect movie to finish up the night. I bought my favorite, "An Affair to Remember," and Alyssa bought "Breakfast at Tiffany's." We enthusiastically watched "An Affair to Remember," in Alyssa's basement where we also painted our nails a deep red. We thought that this would be fitting because all proper women in the 50's always had their nails done.
After the movie we dedicated the last 45 minutes together by researching Cary's and Audrey's lives and we both learned some very interesting facts:
Cary1) Cary's real name is Archibald Alexander Leach
2) His mom was taken to a mental institution when he was just nine and at 14 he ran away to become a comedian in a traveling show
3) He never played the villian in a story and often played the handsome bachelor
Audrey1)Audrey's birthname was Audrey Kathleen Ruston
2)In movies always appeared as the "delicate adolesent"
3)My favorite quote by her: "Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm. As you get older, remember you have another hand: the first is to help yourself, the second is to help others."
Saturday, January 3, 2009
25 Things About Me...
2) My favorite time to have a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich is for a midnight snack with my brother Jack.
3) I haven't gone without nail polish on both my fingernails and toenails for almost 7 years now... I can't stand it so I always leave at least a sliver of polish on during dance performances. Hello my piggies look so naked with out a pop of color! Shh! Don't tell anyone!
4) I prefer raspberry jello with mandarin oranges, pineapples, and bananas over any other type of jello salad.
5) My favorite time of the day to take naps is around 5:30 because when I wake up the evening is just beginning and I still have time to get things accomplished. All I need is a little power nap to get me going.
6) I really really love milk with ice in it. I can't stand milk when it is on the warm side... unless it is in hot chocolate of course.
7) Sometimes when I am alone in my room I will start crawling around like an animal (on both my hands and feet kind of like a gorilla) to finish up tasks.
8) My favorite place to read books is in front of the fireplace where it is nice and warm.
9) Sometimes I get so into books that I will start to believe the stories and my mom will have to calm me down and talk me through things when there is a conflict in the story cause I get very paranoid.
10) On Saturday mornings my brother Jack and I head to the library to get some homework done but always bring along "Scrabble" to play when we need a break... Sometimes we end up taking longer to play the game then getting homework finished.
11) I have always been a "daddy's girl".
12) I have saved almost every letter, birthday card, and note that I have received from someone in my special box for the last 3 years. They are so special to me.
13) My five favorite movies/TV shows are: Perry Mason, Rocky, North by Northwest, An Affair to Remember, and The Sandlot.
14) My five favorite music artists are: The Beatles, (the first CD I ever got was of their greatest hits when I was 3 years old and proudly I still have it and in good condition:) Frank Sinatra, Simon and Garfunkel, Coldplay, and Mika.
15) I idolize my Grandma Copier because she is the most proper, intelligent, kindhearted, sweet, industrious, and humorous lady I have ever met in my entire life.
16) When I am with friends my favorite thing to do is just talk.
17) I prefer taking showers in the dark.
18) When I really just want time to think I hide in the back of my closet behind all of my clothes and just sit.
19) My greatest goal in life is to someday become a mother. I already have lists of boys and girls names that I like and I am constantly writing things down that I admire about mothers that I know.
20) When I am a grandma I have already decided that I am going going to dye my hair purple or that freaky maroon color and wear all kinds of big necklaces and Chinese kimonos.
21) My favorite animals are giraffes and flamingos. I think I am attracted to them because of their long legs.
22) My favorite game to play on long car rides is the "smile-at-strangers game".
23) When I am nervous I shake really really bad and I start to pinch the skin on my neck.
24) My two favorite perfumes are Sunflower, and CK One.
25) My favorite place to go late at night is on adventures to parks with my best friend.
Friday, December 26, 2008
There was one gift that I can say I hated without feeling guilty saying so. I have a sweet 2 year old cousin who I love but she is very very shy. My goal this Christmas was to get her to talk to me before the night was over. The Vawdrey's had all gathered over at my grandparent's house and we were sitting in a huge circle in the basement exchanging gifts one by one. This event takes quite a while on accounta there is something like 28 cousins and 14 aunts and uncles. So... Eva was wandering around holding her new baby doll and since I know everything there is to know about baby dolls, (I had an obsession until I was like 13:) I sweetly called her over to sit on my lap. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to get to know her a bit more and let her know that Cousin Ellie wasn't as scary as she thought I was. I got her talking about her baby and we even named her Lizzie and talked about her clothes and her long beautiful eyelashes and just as Eva was starting to smile I felt something wet and warm..... seep into my pants..... all over my leg..... She had peed all over my lap! In my head I was freaking out but I didn't want to scare her cause I had finally made her comfortable. So I turned to Jack and whispered in his ear and then he started laughing and so my older cousin Kevin wanted to know what was going on and Jack told him. I really didn't want to embarrass Eva so I tried to get across the room to my dad while carrying Eva on my lap to cover up the pee spot but my aunt Lori could tell by my face what had happened. She kept apologizing and I couldn't stop laughing. And then my uncle Greg offered my a diaper and he was being completely serious but I told him that I wasn't the one who needed a diaper. By the time I had calmed down a bit the whole room was laughing and I was walking out the door with the keys. That was a Christmas story I think I will always remember but one gift I could have survived without.
After we left the Vawdrey's we went to my Grandma Copier's house. It is a totally different environment there cause I am one of the youngest cousins plus everyone is so different but I love both sides so much. My cousin's Jenny, Michael and Suzie were all there and we decided to play games like when we were little. So after dinner we snuck upstairs to the toy closet. We took out the 30 year old "Hungry Hungry Hippo" and played with all of the blocks and took funny pictures. I love my cousins! We had a lot of fun laughs.
Though Christmas was great this year I really missed my sister. This was the first Christmas that she has been away. My parents were planning on flying her in for the day because a sweet friend of ours bought her a "buddy pass" but right now Oregon is in a state of emergency. They haven't gotten snow for decades and for the past two weeks it has been a blizzard. They have no snow plows and the roads have become very icy. Christmas night we all got to talk with her on the phone but it just wasn't the same. Luckily she will be home for two weeks in January. I hope all goes well while she is here.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Famous Quotes by Jon David Vawdrey...
Dad: Ellie-poo you need to go to bed.
Me: You just called me poo!
Dad: Yeah, just like Winnie the Pooh.
Me: I hate Winnie the Pooh!
Dad: That's un-American!
Me: Duh, you probably don't even like Winnie the Pooh.
Dad: Yeah, cause he is retarded!
Most of my friends quote inspirational lines from books their dad's have probably written and this is all I get from my dad when we are in a disagreement...
"So there! Were square! You wear Levi underwear!"
Or when somebody asks him to do something he always says...
"Maybe I will... and maybe I won't." (with a mischievous smile)
But that is why I will sincerely love my Papa/Popsicle/Poppie Seed/Pops/Daddy and Father Forever!